# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-03-01 [Ihsahn]: no i did not imitate you its about to just get worse now as for God theyre is none stop insulting me you dickweed apologize like a good bitch and i will leave
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: he wont apologize...no
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: there is no satan without god, dont contradict yourself
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: oh yeah and LEAVE
2005-03-01 [Assassin Blade]: just apologize we did not imitate you....... you seem to not understand english what is your problem boy? you can't take whats thrown at you?
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: why dont all you fuckin tards just leave now....no one owes anyone an apology..there is no such thing in the underworld
2005-03-01 [Assassin Blade]: correction fool yeah* not year you have not studied modern satanism your a ignorent one
2005-03-01 [Assassin Blade]: well then it is going to get worse
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: it probably will...now just leave for fucks sake
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: just leave. grow up. your petty threats are meaningless here
2005-03-01 [Ihsahn]: no i want the apology then i will leave the russians are a stubborn type we will not give up untill a apology has been made i do not insult your leader respect me
2005-03-01 [Ihsahn]: and your ugly ass is meaningless in this world :)
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: yeah, well i dont apologise. not this time. bye! *waves*
2005-03-01 [Ihsahn]: well then prepare to be spammed :)
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: god you are so lame satan
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: look, ok, i apologise, just get out, i cant be bothered with this
2005-03-01 [Ihsahn]: theyre is no God and do not call me lame it is not proper but now that i got the apology we will leave [Assassin Blade] мы уезжаем!
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: your opinion...and thanks
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: *sighs* i need a drink, you joining me in a glass or 2 big pimpin?
2005-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: yes sir
2005-03-01 [Assassin Blade]: Да Сэр
2005-03-01 [Gecko Graves]: leave!
2005-03-02 [the_puetzj]: u know i have been watching all this quietly and there is just one thing i want to say...........
2005-03-02 [Lust]: WTF!? CALM YOURSELF NOW!
2005-03-02 [Lust]: Big_Pimpin, you expect them to leave, after you invade their space? i sugest you grow up! *snaps her whip* and stay out of their! UNDERSTAND!?
2005-03-02 [Lust]: What... did he call me a prick?? *raises an eyebrow* whos Azazel? and dont dis Satanism! so much to catch up on
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: this is pathetic! i apoligsed yesterday, now hold to your agreement and FUCK OFF that was the deal satans begoten son and anyway? spam!? oh please, your 19
2005-03-02 [Ihsahn]: calmed down anyhow the agreement was breached just leave us alone and we will leave you alone i care not for a apology anymore
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: fine. dont come back...sir
2005-03-02 [I dont go here anymore]: hey lynney i know me and you dont really see eye to eye but this saten guy is being pathetic ok im sorry but thats how i feel
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: i cant help it if satan was being a fuckin prick....i stood up for basketcase and decided too fuck with them...
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: i know, and i apretiated it big_pimpin, but anyway, hopefully its over now
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: hopefully....i
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: lol, i love that expression
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: lol
2005-03-02 [I dont go here anymore]: lol i love both of you thank you for sticking up for me geX in the first place and thank you very much pimpin for looking after geX xxx
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: your welcome
2005-03-02 [I dont go here anymore]: and lynney im sorry ok there is nothing i can do but say sorry
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: [Gecko Graves]....i just figured that if i was nice to him he would be nice to me/us...but dont get me wrong..if he starts in on you again i'll stand by you
2005-03-02 [Ultiem]: ? EJoth findet sie juden!!!!!!!!!
2005-03-02 [grim death]: ?
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: i understand b pimpen, its all cool brother
2005-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: aight
2005-03-02 [Gecko Graves]: *pulls out pumpaction shot guns ans begins to clean it with a south park hanky* hmm what a couple of days
2005-03-03 [Frosty French Fry]: *decides it is a good idea to clean his guns...pulls 2 .45s from behind back..pulls a 9 out of each side in jacket..."that
2005-03-03 [Lust]: [I dont go here anymore] yes their is something.. dont start shit in the first place!
2005-03-03 [Lust]: anyways.. the rest of you stay in hear.
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: im stayin even tho i aint wanted
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: can i get a large measure of jd please anyone
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: can indeed *jumps over counter dropping unwanted food* *hands geX a pint of JD:P large enough?
2005-03-03 [Frosty French Fry]: one here too please
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: a pint?
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: so'l pimpin *pours half of his into bigs glass* as much as i love it i'd never drink a pint!
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: so ther, have half :D
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: lol
2005-03-03 [Frosty French Fry]: thanks mate
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: not a prob, *sparks up a marlboro light* you smoke? *holds out cigerete*
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: grrhhhh
2005-03-03 [Frosty French Fry]: no thanks...*take
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: steph, ciggy?
2005-03-03 [I dont go here anymore]: yes please!!!!
2005-03-03 [Frosty French Fry]: *looks at [I dont go here anymore] & [Gecko Graves]..and says* smoking is a bad habit..shame on you guys
2005-03-03 [sxy random rocker]: i can be an erotic dancer if u want too.... xx
2005-03-03 [Gecko Graves]: oh c'mon big pimpin you just spaked up acigar! lol :P
2005-03-04 [Lust]: *pulls out a doobie, lighting it, taking a deep breath in* not sharing
2005-03-04 [Gecko Graves]: *stands next to lynney in a petty atempt to get high from the fumes*
2005-03-04 [Frosty French Fry]: haha...*pulls out 2 j's...hands one to [Gecko Graves]*..im gonna share the wealth
2005-03-04 [Lust]: ... mines fater! *daking another breth in* hmm...
2005-03-04 [Gecko Graves]: lol, cheers big_pimpin :D
2005-03-04 [the_puetzj]: i dont suppose anyone wants to share with me.....bye the way i wouldnt trust big's dope its probably just catnip
2005-03-04 [Frosty French Fry]: *hands a fatty to [the_puetzj]*...trust me..it aint catnip
2005-03-04 [the_puetzj]: ohhh been on herbsmoke again????.....
2005-03-04 [Lust]: lmao!! all the way
2005-03-05 [Teenage Buick Driver]: can I be Dr. Death?
2005-03-05 [Lust]: ask [Monkey Boy] but its best that I get to know you
2005-03-06 [Monkey Boy]: lol... you sure can b Dr. Death :)
2005-03-07 [Kitty Vix 000]: if your that much in need, i can be a prob solver or accountant.
2005-03-08 [Monkey Boy]: ur gonna have 2 pick :P
2005-03-13 [Gecko Graves]: hannah..erotic dancer...makes sense....
2005-03-13 [Monkey Boy]: who wat? lol
2005-03-14 [Lady Moon Dark]: Hi. Hmmm.... that is fun
2005-03-15 [the_puetzj]: what is fun....man now im confused to...or wait maybe im not
2005-03-18 [Lady Moon Dark]: Dancing, esp erotic
2005-03-19 [Monkey Boy]: im always confused :)
2005-03-19 [the_puetzj]: so am i
2005-03-19 [Monkey Boy]: lol
2005-03-20 [Lust]: i havnt been on in weeks, i expected id have to catch up in a page.. WOW!! o.O who died?
2005-03-20 [STP Lover]: Woah! *__* Havent been here in a while..HOW IS EVERYONE!? didja miss me?
2005-03-20 [Monkey Boy]: erm... someone died?...
2005-03-22 [Lady Moon Dark]: I didn't die... but I'm new
2005-03-22 [sxy random rocker]: hehe, yeah it does dunnit geX? xx
2005-03-23 [the_puetzj]: oh no im confused again
2005-03-23 [sxy random rocker]: lmao x
2005-03-24 [Monkey Boy]: *pokes the_puetzj*
2005-03-24 [the_puetzj]: ooooooooowwwww
2005-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ummm......*sit
2005-03-24 [Lust]: *points to timmy*
2005-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *looks at tim* did we now?
2005-03-24 [Monkey Boy]: hell yeah... was funny :)
2005-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *flicks rubber band at tim and sits down in the now clear of tacks chair*
2005-03-25 [Monkey Boy]: *flicks rubber band back*
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: *rubber band hits me in the eye*..OWWWWW..
2005-03-25 [grim death]: *shakes head*kids
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: haha.....
2005-03-25 [grim death]: so hows every one
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: im ok....getting rather anxious for warm weather....cau
2005-03-25 [grim death]: ok i wish itd warm up 2
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: where do you reside at
2005-03-25 [grim death]: ohio
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: hey i have been there....two places actually....Da
2005-03-25 [grim death]: i live up by toledo where u at
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: me..im in michigan.....n
2005-03-25 [grim death]: kool
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: I have gone to Dayton many a time for the airshow there and i think thats what i have been to toledo for...
2005-03-25 [grim death]: for what
2005-03-25 [Frosty French Fry]: i meant i have been to toledo for an airshow
2005-03-25 [grim death]: ok
2005-03-25 [Gecko Graves]: *screams from bar* helo! i'm DYING in here! anyone gonna call an ambulance?
2005-03-25 [grim death]: y we have a doc
2005-03-28 [Monkey Boy]: we do :D
2005-04-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i want to be the Head of Erotic Entertainment!
2005-04-01 [Titty Clamps]: I would like to apply to be the attorney!!
2005-04-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and i, head of erotick entertainment
2005-04-01 [Monkey Boy]: oooooo.... ok :D... *adds u both*
2005-04-02 [I dont go here anymore]: *calls geX an ambulance* wow i havent said hi in a while lynney have we forgetten our arguement yet?! can i be a spy?
2005-04-03 [Monkey Boy]: lynneys been away lol...
2005-04-03 [Frosty French Fry]: yep
2005-04-03 [Monkey Boy]: she should b back 2day *fingers crossed*
2005-04-03 [I dont go here anymore]: oksies i hope we can put our arguement behind us im to hyper
2005-04-03 [Gecko Graves]: happy b-day boss! i know its late, but hey! enjoy!:D
2005-04-03 [I dont go here anymore]: hey geX xx
2005-04-03 [Gecko Graves]: heya hun
2005-04-04 [I dont go here anymore]: how are ya darling?
2005-04-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: good
2005-04-04 [Monkey Boy]: thanx basket :D... atleast one person noticed lol
2005-04-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i just joined so i wouldn't have known...
2005-04-04 [Monkey Boy]: excuses excuses :P
2005-04-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *gasps*
2005-04-04 [Gecko Graves]: *hands the don an uzi shaped cake*
2005-04-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *hands the don a (.Y.) shaped cake*
2005-04-05 [Frosty French Fry]: *brings huge cake in on wheels**stripp
2005-04-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hey! thats my job! isn't it?
2005-04-06 [Monkey Boy]: yes it is... get 2 it :P
2005-04-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: well i can't actually "get to it" on a comment page..
2005-04-06 [Monkey Boy]: and y not?
2005-04-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *sighs* huh...if i must...*dances erotically*
2005-04-07 [Monkey Boy]: YAY :D lol...
2005-04-07 [Lady Moon Dark]: LOL
2005-04-07 [I dont go here anymore]: tehehe your all random!!!
2005-04-07 [Lady Moon Dark]: no this is random.... CRANK!
2005-04-07 [I dont go here anymore]: cheesebomb!!
2005-04-07 [Lady Moon Dark]: eeeeewwwww
2005-04-07 [I dont go here anymore]: lol, jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!jaffa cake!!!cookie!
2005-04-07 [Lady Moon Dark]: jaffa?
2005-04-08 [Gecko Graves]: cake! *mwah*
2005-04-08 [I dont go here anymore]: lol *mwah* do u like my little jaffa cake thing gex? do u remember frankie? she sent that 2 me and Gg lol love you!!!xxx
2005-04-08 [Titty Clamps]: Well I must say! I feel special to be the elfpack mafia's attorney ^^
2005-04-09 [Monkey Boy]: up whose butt?...
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: [Titty Clamps] butt, of course
2005-04-10 [Gecko Graves]: butt...ons....
2005-04-10 [Monkey Boy]: cheese?
2005-04-10 [Gecko Graves]: correctamondo
2005-04-10 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: butt cheese? oh...
2005-04-10 [Gecko Graves]: correct agen
2005-04-10 [Lady Moon Dark]: What kind of cheese?
2005-04-10 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: BUTT cheese
2005-04-11 [Titty Clamps]: !!! [I AM WILLIAM HUNG] will be walking down the street with three shoes.. two on her feet, and one up her ass!! ((only kidding, of course =P))
2005-04-11 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *gasp* this wouldn't be b.c. now wouldn't it?!
2005-04-11 [Gecko Graves]: i have high heels up my ass...........
2005-04-11 [Monkey Boy]: bc?
2005-04-11 [Gecko Graves]: i think it means be cool...just a guess
2005-04-12 [Monkey Boy]: hmmmmm interesting
2005-04-15 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: bc, one of my friends from school
2005-04-17 [Monkey Boy]: *falls off chair*
2005-04-17 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *helps you back on chair*
2005-04-18 [Monkey Boy]: thanx :)
2005-04-18 [Lady Moon Dark]: Who wouldn't be bc?
2005-04-18 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what? why are you talking about bc? you don't even know her
2005-04-18 [grim death]: im lost now
2005-04-18 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: of course you are...you haven't been here
2005-04-18 [Monkey Boy]: cheese anyone?
2005-04-18 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh yes, i would love some cheese!
2005-04-18 [the_puetzj]: I like cheese!!!
2005-04-19 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: me too, me too! *jumps up and down* gimme the cheese, gimme the cheese!
2005-04-19 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh, excuse, mr. don, i have a friend, his name is [William Shakespeare], he would very much like to join this wiki, he says he wants to be the Head of Demolition..he
2005-04-19 [sxy random rocker]: surely the head of demolition shouldn't be shy ?! xx seeems illogical! lol
2005-04-19 [grim death]: so
2005-04-19 [Monkey Boy]: *gives everyone cheese*... well Mr. Shakespeare will have 2 come here himself and ask :P
2005-04-19 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: aw...ok...i'll tell him to....*eats the cheese*
2005-04-20 [the_puetzj]: *eats the cheese...then proceeds to evacuate the the room*
2005-04-20 [Monkey Boy]: *looks lost*
2005-04-20 [Frosty French Fry]: Its actually kind of good if the Head of DEMO is shy.......On the job he can get in and get out....if hes shy he will avoid people at all cost
2005-04-20 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: IN and OUT....
2005-04-20 [Frosty French Fry]: ???
2005-04-20 [Frosty French Fry]: umm......*scra
Number of comments: 6244
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